School Bell Schedule

For the 2023-24 school year, Leota will be utilizing the standard periods 1-6 + Academic Pride bell schedule below. Note that Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays are  days in which students will attend all six classes and Academic Pride. Wednesdays are early release days and are periods 1-6 without an Academic Pride. Academic Pride is Leota's version of advisory or homeroom intended for homework completion and academic interventions as well as periodic social emotional learning lessons or other activities such as WEB socials

When there is delay schedule due to inclement weather, Leota will be using the 2 hours late start following the schedule below.

Bell Schedule 2023-2024

When there is delay schedule due to inclement weather, Leota will be using the 2 hours late start.


Yearbook Distribution June 20, 2024

Revised Periods 1-6 (lunches based on 3rd period)

Extended Period 1 8:00 – 9:00 (60) Announcements /Yearbook Distribution

Period 1 9:05 – 9:55 (50)

Period 2 10:00 – 10:45 (45)

1st Lunch 10:45 – 11:15 (30)  

Period 3 (1st Lunch)11:20 – 12:05 (45)

Period 3 (2nd Lunch) 10:50 – 11:35 (45)

2nd Lunch 11:35 – 12:05 (30)

Period 4 12:10 – 12:55 (45)

Period 5 1:00 – 1:45 (45)

Period 6 1:50 – 2:35 (45)


Friday, June 21, 2024 Lunches are based on 5th Period Wednesday Lunch Schedule

Period 1 8:00-8:30 30 minutes

Period 2 8:35-9:05 30 minutes

Period 3 9:10-9:40 30 minutes

Period 4 9:45-10:15 30 minutes

1st Lunch 10:15-10:45 30 minutes

First Lunch Period 5 10:50-11:20 30 minutes

Second Lunch Period 5 10:20-10:50 30 minutes

2nd Lunch 10:50-11:20 30 minutes

Period 6 11:25-11:55 30 minutes

Pride 12:00-12:20 20 minutes (Drop off belongings in Pride, get Lions Day Bracelet)

Lion’s Day 12:20-2:05 1 hour 45 minutes

Pride Cleaning 2:10-2:30 20 minutes Dismissal 2:35


2023-2024 Last Day Bell Schedule

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL SCHEDULE 2.5-Hour Day Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Period 1 8:00-8:15 + Summer Birthdays/Announcements--(Lion Channel #1 + Yearbook-signing after announcements)

Period 2--8:20-8:30 (Lion Channel #2 + Yearbook-signing)

Period 3--8:35-8:45 (Lion Channel #3 + Yearbook-signing)

Period 4--8:50-9:00 (Lion Channel #4 + Yearbook-signing)

Period 5--9:05-9:15 (Lion Channel #5 + Yearbook-signing)

Period 6--9:20-9:30 (Lion Channel #6 + Yearbook-signing)

Pride--9:35-9:50 (Assembly Expectations & Directed Release to Gym/Seating)

8th Grade Focused Goodbye Assembly--9:50-10:25

8th Graders Dismiss to buses through staff tunnel

7th/6th graders move to new spots in gym and then dismiss to buses

All wave goodbye at buses—10:30