NSD Launching ParentSquare Communications Tool for Families and Secondary Students
Leota Families,
Leota Middle School and Northshore School District are committed to continually evaluating and improving our communication services and support for families and students.
Our School, and District communication tool is called ParentSquare. This multilingual communications platform is designed to keep families, guardians, staff, and middle and high school students informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with our school and the District.
ParentSquare provides families and students streamlined communications, responsive to your needs including, but not limited to:
● Communication in your preferred language;
● Messages from our school or the District via email, text, or app notification;
● Opportunity to receive information as it is sent, or all at once with a daily digest at the end of the day;
● Ability to reply to staff directly from a post (similar to social media) in the app;
● Direct messaging to staff; and
● Ability to sign up for conferences, sign forms, permission slips, and much more all from your mobile device or computer.
How to Get Started with ParentSquare
You can activate your ParentSquare account in three ways:
Option 1:
● Use the email (or text message if you do not have an email on file with the District) that was sent to you on Jan. 9 from the sender ParentSquare, inviting you to join the platform.
○ When you click the button that reads “Activate your account” in the email, you will be asked to create a password and login using the email address you have on file with the District.
Option 2:
● Visit the ParentSquare website and use the email account or phone number you have on file with the District to activate your account; or
Option 3:
● Download the ParentSquare app on your iOS or Android phone and request activation. To take full advantage of ParentSquare’s functionality we recommend everyone downloads the ParentSquare app for even easier access to school and District information.
Once you have activated your account, ParentSquare will connect you to your student(s) enrolled in our school and any other schools in Northshore.
After you’re logged into your account, you can also access help articles for more information on navigating and using ParentSquare.
More information about ParentSquare and a FAQ (including an overview of Northshore student technology applications) can be found on our District’s website. Students in middle and high school will use StudentSquare within the new communication platform. Information about StudentSquare will be shared with families later this week and sent directly to your student.
We look forward to sharing more information and connecting with you on ParentSquare soon!
Scott Leick Principal Leota Middle School sleick@nsd.org 425-408-6505