Star Time


THURSDAYS OCT 15th - May 29th

(Study, Tutor, Advise & Research)

Students may do research, homework, work in small groups on projects, do word processing, and complete any other school assignments. Students will have access to research materials, books, and computers. Help is available, but this is not private tutoring.

Report to the library for STAR time after school at 2:40.  At the end of STAR Time, students will be released for parents to pick students up.  All school rules apply, so there are no snacks or drinks allowed in the library. If students need a snack after school, they may eat it between 2:35 and 2:40 before reporting to the library.

STAR Time Expectations

1. Be in the library by 2:40.
2. Sign in and sign out on the clipboard.
3. Stay in the library until 4:10.
4. No food or drinks in the library.
5. Use bathroom pass and sign out on clipboard.  Use only 700 building restrooms.
6. Be prepared with all belongings.  No locker access.
7. The library is a learning environment.  Be respectful and work quietly.
8. Clean up after yourself before leaving.
9. All school rules apply during STAR Time.
10. Computers are for academic purposes only. No games or other electronics, including cell phone use, per school policy.
11. Sit no more than two per table.
12. Not private tutoring time.  This is for general intervention support time.
13. Is a voluntary, structured study time.  Students will not be assigned by teachers.



Janet Hobelman

Lillian Russo

Phone Number
